Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Tuesday

Happy Tuesday! It is indeed. I was able to take off the weight I had put back on last week along with another 2.5 lbs. I am now at what is considered normal on a BMI calculator. I am still too close to the overweight cutoff for comfort but I am getting there.
I really focused on feeding for fuel and not addiction this week. I looked at my proteins, carbs, fiber and sugar intake closely.
I know I am no where near cured of my food issues, but I feel I made a lot of progress last week. Without too much detail my local CF community lost a young adult. His mom was one of the first "CF" moms I knew (back before there were blogs or facebook) who helped show me how to be an advocate for my child. As I was diving in to some lovely homemade apple pie I told myself that it didn't solve anything. I allowed myself to cry and cry I did. I felt the pain and emotion instead of numbing it.
One of the reasons I started running a few years ago was because I knew I was blessed with healthy lungs. My daughter was not. I often forget that there are other parts of me that need to be just as healthy.
So this week I learned that if I respect food it will respect me.


  1. Oh Trish sweetie. This felt like a pretty hard blog post for you to write. I'm so sorry to read about the loss of that young man. I can only imagine how hard that is for everyone in your community.

    You wrote something so profound, "I felt the pain and emotion instead of numbing it." I might put that on my fridge where I can see it during my own tough times.

    You're a very insightful lady, Trish. You're inspiring me to think a whole lot deeper.

    And, on a note a zillion times happier, congratulations on a huge milestone re: your BMI! You must feel GREAT! I'm so, so, so proud of you!!

  2. Thanks Leigh. I am so excited by your progress.
    I really try to write honestly. I want to be able to look back at what I have done. I want to be able to see what works and what doesn't. I want to remind myself what my weaknesses are and how I can stop myself and do something different. It's all about the growth process for me this year.
