Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I've lost another 3 this week. I really am surprised by that number. I am most pleased by how I have been able to stick to my "respect food" goal. We were celebrating my niece's birthday and I wasn't hungry so I didn't have cake. I did take a lick of icing. It amazes me how strong the sugar flavor was and how I didn't care for it. I cut my daily sugar out of my coffee a while back and my sweet snacks have been made with more natural ingredients. I am really trying to make this a change in mind along with body and I think its working.
A friend of mine, who is also on a similar journey, and I were talking about our fears getting through the holidays. I plan on taking it one day at a time. I know as far as Thanksgiving goes I will eat the foods I like, in moderation. I am also preparing a chocolate tart from a cooking light recipe. This way I know exactly what is in my dessert and how many calories it has. I know if I can get through the next month I've made the necessary changes to change my life.

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