Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It is Tuesday, which means I get up and hop on the scale. I lost another pound which brings me to the -10 mark! That being said I know this last 10-12 will be so hard. I want it to be hard because I feel when its too easy it comes back too easily. I am truly looking for a lifestyle change. I am making great strides to do that. I am proud of what I have done so far and looking forward to the future.
I ran my 5 mile race this weekend. I kicked butt! There has been some dispute by some race goers about the actual distance not being 5 miles. It doesn't matter how far I ran I know my pace throughout the race and its my fastest ever. I also ran a similar course the full five miles a few days before the race and it was fast too. I'm hoping this is enough to keep me motivated to keep running. My hip muscle problem is acting up again. I don't really think it is from the running though. I have been running the same since my pt ended in August. The only thing that changed since that time is also something that I was doing the last time I had this issue is spinning. I love spinning, it is just as addictive as running. I am going to take some time off this week and work on my stretching and muscle strengthening and then ease back into running next week. I will hold off on the spin bike for now.


  1. Look at you go! You must have been on such a high after the race. And down 10lbs already? WOW!!! You're doing it, Trish. You're really, truly doing it.

    Do make sure you take care of the hip muscle. Be careful. It sounds like you know exactly what you're doing.

  2. Great job on the weight loss and the run.
