Thursday, September 9, 2010


Yesterday was not a good day. I didn't start the day off with exercise and was rushing all over the place so I made some poor choices. Not proud. I know this process is going to be harder than I was willing to admit. I have a lot of work ahead of me when it comes to emotional eating, poor choices and choosing me.
Today I picked myself up dusted myself off and even did something I have never done before. I did not have enough time to exercise right away this morning. I went to the gym late morning. I never do that. If I can't get to it right away I usually make an excuse and move on. Not today! I did it. I got my time in on the elliptical.
I am trying really hard to believe in me. I can't be willing to accept crap from me that I wouldn't accept from my kids. I need to hold me accountable.


  1. I admire your tenacity. A lot of people would have one bad day then give up. (I have done that many, many times in my life.) But not Trish! You're very strong!! And this line: "I can't be willing to accept crap from me that I wouldn't accept from my kids." Wow. That is something for me to think about, too. You have a great outlook.

  2. Leigh, Thank you very much. We are all works in progress.I will keep cheering you on because you inspire me, too.
